Organic sessions refer to the visits to your website that originate from organic search engine results. Here's how organic sessions typically work:

1. **User Conducts a Search**: A user enters a query into a search engine (like Google, Bing, or Yahoo) using keywords or phrases relevant to their search intent.

2. **Search Engine Displays Results**: The search engine algorithm analyzes the query and retrieves a list of relevant web pages from its index. These results are displayed on the search engine results pages (SERPs) in order of perceived relevance and quality.

3. **User Clicks on Organic Search Result**: The user reviews the search results and decides which link to click based on factors such as the title, meta description, and relevance to their query. If they click on a link that appears in the organic search results, it counts as an organic session.

4. **User Lands on Your Website**: Upon clicking the organic search result, the user is directed to the corresponding page on your website. This marks the beginning of the organic session.

5. **User Interaction on Your Website**: During the organic session, the user may navigate through multiple pages on your website, consume content, engage with features (like forms or multimedia), or perform other actions.

6. **Session Ends**: The organic session ends when the user exits your website, either by closing the browser tab, clicking on an external link, or becoming inactive for a specified period (usually 30 minutes by default).

Organic sessions are tracked and measured using web analytics tools like Google Analytics. These tools provide insights into various metrics associated with organic sessions, such as the number of sessions, session duration, bounce rate, and more. By analyzing these metrics, website owners and marketers can evaluate the effectiveness of their organic search traffic and make informed decisions to improve their website's performance and user experience.

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